Apps that are Smart enough to bring customer's money back to you!

YOU control the enticements and your custom app will do the rest.

Notifications you send will keep your customers interactive.

Interactive custom smart apps that build FUN relationships between businesses and customers.

  • A Business owner/manager can create customer incentives - such as coupons - through a dashboard control center.
  • Then with a mouse click, will send-out a notification of the COUPON.  
  • Immediately the app users in the specified area will get a 'Ping' notification on their phone. 
  • They will follow the notification with a touch to discover the coupon.
  • The customer then redeems the coupon at the time of order, with a 4 digit code.

Customer Loyalty Rewards - Will keep Your Business on Their Mind

Your Customers will Love your Loyalty Card offers.

  • You log into your Custom App dashboard control panel
  • You easily set up the number of visits and the stipulations of the program.
  • You may limit the 'punches' to 1 per day.
  • The Loyalty Card feature - built into your custom app* - keeps track of the 'punches'
  • When the count is up, your loyal customer gets the prize.
  • New Loyalty Cards (and coupons) can be set up at any time.
  • Each 'punch' is redeemed by a secret 4 digit code, known only to the staff.

*optional feature - only for applicable business who'd enjoy it

Your Custom Interactive App will Display ALL of your Social Media posts

Someone Manages your Social Media Campaign

  • Your business has a Facebook Page
  • a Twitter account
  • an Instagram account
  • a Youtube account
  • a Pinterest account
  • a Flickr account
  • Any post to any of these Social Media sites will be immediately reflected in the app.
  • A Blog on your website,
  • or an Event calendar ~ also update in real time
  • Therefore after posting to your Social Media platform(s) or your Web Blog or your Event Calendar ~
  • Why not have fun and send out a quick notification from your App dashboard and drive your app users to the post, or event of particular interest within your custom app? {In this case the Facebook page feed is displayed}